Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tugasan 2: Ulasan Jurnal (cont)

Tugasan 2-KAJIAN TINDAKAN GB5032 Tugasan 2-KAJIAN TINDAKAN GB5032 annum83

Tugasan 2: Ulasan Jurnal

Tugasan 2

-Dapatkan 3 jurnal luar negara yang memerihalkan kajian tindakan yang telah dilakukan dalam pendidikan. Lakukan perbandingan (persamaan & perbezaan), penganalisisan, penilaian, perumusan & pengsintesisan dari segi sampel, seting, prosedur kajian, pengumpulan dan penganalisaan data yang dilakukan oleh penulis artikel dan dilaporkan dalam blog individu.
-Disokong oleh sumber bacaan lain ~ buku kajian tindakan (tugasan 1)
-Upload semua artikel dalam yahoogroups mengikut folder individu (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gb5023-jan09/)
Tarikh serahan: 26 Mei 2009.
Selected Journals:
1) Summers, S.J., Bergin, A.D. & Cole, S.J. 2009. Examining the Relationship among Collaborative Learning, Autonomy Support and Student Incivility in undergraduate Classrooms. Learning and Individual Differences. (19). 293-298.

2) Mary Jane Moran. 2007. Collaborative Research and Project Work: Promising Practices for Developing Collaborative Inquiry Among Nearly Childhood Preservice Teachers. Teaching and Teachers Education. 418-431.

3) Gunel, M., Hand, B., & McDermott, A. M. 2009. Writing for Different Audiences: Effects on High-School Students Conceptual Understanding of Biology. Learning and Instruction. (19). 354-367.
Three journals were selected and downloaded from e-journal databases. These journals were concerning action research in education.
A) Similarities:
All research were collaborative action research which were carried out in classroom settings.
B) Differences:
Journal 1:
1) Sample / Participants:

- Undergraduate students (age approximately 19 years old) with total number of 1160 students; 598 males and 562 females.

2) Design / Procedure:

- Participants recruited were from 164 Faculties at Midwest University.
- 15 Instructors agreed to be the research team.
- This research used surveys approach. Two types of survey administered during the course semester; Student survey and Faculty survey.
- Student surveys were administered late in the semester in order to provide basis for rating classroom experience.
- 3 issues were asked in student survey items; classroom community, interactive learning and autonomy support.
- Faculty survey items focused on academic incivility and collaborative learning.
- Data from both surveys were collected and analyzed using software called EQS to validate the scales of student survey. Calculation RMSEA and Chi square were made to observe the effectiveness of measured parameters.

Journal 2:
1)Sample / Participants:-

- 24 preservice teachers. All females, Euro-American and resided in the same area.

2) Design / Procedure:

- 24 preservice teachers enrolled in an introductory early childhood education were selected.
- Participants were randomly assigned into groups consisting of 3-4 members each.
- Each group was required to implement a 6 week project to a small group of preschool-aged children (age 3 years old).
- This research was conducted in 2 stages;

1) Stage 1: participants were invited to involve in a retrospective interviews at the end of the course. 10 agreed to be interviewed.
2) Stage 2: aimed to minimize the variability across the team. Criteria for selection were; each team consist of the same number of preservice teachers, they taught the same age children and taught the same number of practicum days across the semester.

- Instruments / analytical tools used were journals, video tapes, transcription of audio tapes, discussions and retrospective interviews.
- The course included practicum and lectures (weekly) and divided into 3 phases over a15 weeks.

1) Phase 1: Orientation weeks in which preservice teachers kept daily journal, making observation, audio taped and transcribed children’s’ conversation, critiqued video tapes of master and novice teachers, and created topic and concept in order to choose relevant project topic.
2) Phase 2: Implementation of collaborative project. Utilization of classroom documentation for guidance and informing their cycle of inquiry.
3) Phase 3: Interpretation of the project for preparation of writing and oral analyses.

- Retrospective interviews were semi-structured and conducted at the end of the course. 10 preservice teachers were interviewed.
- Data obtained from the analysis of journals, video tapes, and transcription of audio tapes, discussions and retrospective interviews. - Data were cross-tabulated and recorded in charts and matrices using constant comparative method across time to organize behaviors of individual preservice teachers as well as team.
Journal 3:
1)Sample / Participants:

- Junior/middle school students. In total 118 students were involved. (50 males & 68 females).

2)Design / Procedure:

- This research used quasi-experimental, pre-/posttest
design which took place within two consecutive phases covering two consecutive units of a biology course.

- There were four groups of participating students. Each group was represented by a different pre-existing general biology class and students in each class were consistent throughout both phases of the study

- The four classes were: Class 1 (3rd/4th graders), Class 2 (parents), Class 3 (peers), and Class 4(teacher). The same instructor taught biology for all classes.

- This study was conducted in 2 phases.
1) Phase 1: All groups were assigned to participate in writing-to-learn activities. This to provide them with writing experience.
2) Phase 2: all groups were required to joined writing-to-learn activities. However, at this phase the groups wrote for different audiences and it dealt with the circulatory and respiratory system.

Written assignments were assessed on these criteria: grammatical quality, coherence, accuracy and completeness in meeting the requirements and in describing the structures of the two systems. Assessment was based on an instructor-created rubric

- All groups were administered with an identical pre- and post-test.

- All tests were graded by the instructor, with random conceptual questions being graded by a science colleague in order to assure interrater reliability. Interrater reliability was calculated by randomly selecting 10 different responses from the student tests and comparing the scoring of the instructor with that of the second rater. The scores for each question were compared to determine the percentage of times the two independent scorers agreed on the student score.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tugasan 1:Ulasan Buku

Using Action Research to Improve Instruction: An Interactive Guide for Teachers. John E. Henning, Jody M. Stone & James L. Kelly. New York: Routledge. 2009. 204 pp.

This book discusses action research as the means for teachers to improve their instruction in the classroom, in which the writers provide the most comprehensive, easy-to understand approach to action research in classroom settings. The book is organize into five parts; introduction, making observation, gathering perceptions, analyzing test results as well as talking and writing about action research.

Concept of Action Research:

Action research is a qualitative research; it is much more oriented and interprets the language (based on interviews, open-minded surveys, observations and teacher-students interactions) rather than numbers (quantitative approach). Teachers are encouraged to do research since it is an attempt to improve instruction as well as teaching method. Not all teachers are motivated to do so. However, reflective teachers are generally and constantly plan new strategies watch how students respond to them and then decide how they are going to make further improvement.

The importance of conducting Action Research:

Action research aims to improve teaching practice, improve the understanding of practice by its practitioners (teachers!) and finally improve the situation in which the practice takes place; whether in classroom or schools setting (also known as local setting). Those teachers that engage in research are called researchers.

Design and procedure for conducting Action Research:

Action research can be described in four steps; plan, collect data, analyze and reflect.
Prior to action research, it is important that the teacher to decide the goals or purpose of the study and appropriate research questions, selection of participants/subjects and determination of research methodology. Planning involves three steps: formulating initial research problem by reflecting on puzzling student behaviors, problems or needs. The next step is to searching for a new strategy based on the observations of students, dialog with other teachers and researcher engagement in professional development activities. The third step requires teachers to equip themselves with educational literature for the purpose of exploring new strategies and evidence to support their use in the classroom. Finally, teachers need to consider the best method for collecting data in order to determine the effectiveness of the teaching strategy (e.g. survey vs interview, or survey & interview).

Data collection:

This step include actions such as implementing new strategies and collecting data on them. Administration of tests, observation of students’ behavior and conducting surveys and interviews are approaches of collecting data. Daily classroom observations are an important source of data for teachers. It provides the chance of discovering unexpected patterns of students’ behavior, students’ involvement in learning process, and the degree of which students are involved in higher level thinking as well the quality of student interactions. . In addition, data from pre-test and post-test are also important for teachers to developing new strategies.


Teachers should carefully examine the data obtained. To get deeper understanding, data can be viewed from different perspectives or concepts which can be done by making comparisons and contrasts.


This step is the paramount of action research. By making reflection, teachers are able to improve themselves as well as justify their own practices. Reflection consists of three parts; interpreting and explaining the observations which should be as plausible as possible.The second part concerns about developing new, suitable strategies. The final step is to justify new teaching strategies by supplemented them with data, educational research or even educational theory.

Action research often begins when there is an event that arouses curiosity, when teachers eager to solve problems or due to desire to get better in learning and teaching practices.
As mentioned by the authors, there are two events that generally trigger action research: when interests of doing action research precede, it will trigger or initiates the search for the occurrence real-world problem. Thus through action research and reflection, satisfactory problem solving and research outcomes are achieved.

In addition, action research is also done when there is an opportunity for problem solving. This may initiates or shape research interest or questions. Once again through action research and reflection satisfactory problem solving and research outcomes are achieved.
Action research is carry out by repeating practice in a four - step cycle: plan, collect data, analyze and reflect.
In contrast to educational research, action research usually take place in local setting such as schools and within the district.
Teachers usually doing action research in classroom setting therefore their participants are students who are assigned to them.
Selection of instruments are depending on the purpose of the study and the suitability of the instruments to the particular study. Action research is a qualitative research therefore approches like interviews, open-ended surveys, observations and the analysis of teacher and student interactions are usually employed. It is more towards the interpretation of language rather than numbers. MCQs are usually administered during pre- and post-test to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented teaching strategy. The combination of surveys and interview are common in action research.
Research Ethics:
Like other research, action research requires high level of ethical behavior in the sense that action research must not act in the way that can cause any physical or psychological injury to a student. Researchers must take into account the confidentiality of the participants, which is determined by the purpose of the research.
If a teacher wishes to improve his own instruction and that he do not plan to use the data outside the school, then he do not need to be concerned on taking extra precautions to protect his students’ privacy. The ethical obligation as a teacher is sufficient but he is answerable for great care in protecting students’ confidentiality.
However if he wish to present the data outside the school district, he must obtain informed consent for both parents and students. Prior to giving consent, parents must fully understand the nature of the research which they are asked to participate. All participants should sign a letter of informed consent, which consists of explanation of the procedures, possible risks and benefits of the research, as well as outlines of participants’ right. Consent must be voluntary in the sense that participants must be free to stop at any time they want or if they are refuse to participate.
Reliability and Validity:
Patton (2001) states that "validity and reliability are two factors which any qualitative researcher should be concerned about while designing a study, analyzing results and judging the quality of the study". Reliability and validity of action research can be obtained through peer reviews (collaborating with peers) and consultation with the educational experts.
Overall evaluation:
This book is really helpful especially for those novice teachers with no experience in conducting qualitative action research. It is a valuable tool for teachers who are eager to examine teaching and learning in a classroom settings. In addition, this book also provides lots of exercises and step-by-step guidance for ensuring understanding of action research process. Teachers will learn how to gain confidence by engaging into action research and improving their practices as well as teaching strategies.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


  • Secara amnya keberkesanan strategi pengajaran dapat dilihat melaui kajian eksperimental ( kuantitatif).
  • Kajian tindakan bertujuan untuk membuat penambahbaikan dalam proses P&P kemudian penilaian akan dilakukan untuk menilai keberkesanan perlaksanaan penambahbaikan tersebut.
  • Penilaian dilakukan oleh individu lain menggunakan kaedah atau strategi yang telah menjalani penambahbaikan (improvised) atau kaedah yang telah mantap.
  • berbeza dengan kajian lain, kajian tindakan TIADA hipotesis.
  • Guru meneliti/menyelidik /mengkaji secara sistematik ke atas sesuatu amalam pengajaran bagi tujuan penambahbaikan seperti bagaimana sesuatu kemahiran, teknik, strategi dapat dipertingkatkan dan memberi impak kepada pelajar dan perkembangan profesional guru tersebut.

Jenis-jenis kajian tindakan:


ii. Kolaboratif

iii. Sekolah

iv. Daerah

Kajian tinjauan/survey bukan kajian tindakan tetapi ia memberi input awal sebelum membuat sebarang intervensi. kajian tindakan memerlukan sokongan atau supplement dari literature review.

Langkah-langkah dalam Kajian Tindakan:

  1. kajian kepustakaan
  2. merumuskan masalah, persoalan & bidang yang diminati untuk dikaji
  3. merancang pengumpulan data
  4. pengumpulan & penganalisisan data
  5. membentuk pelan tindakan
  6. berkongsi dapatan & pelan tindakan

a) Kajian kepustakaan

- membuat sorotan (review) keatas bahan-bahan literature sperti buku, jurnal, artikel, seminar dan laporan.

-ia dilakukan secara kritikal ke atas poin-poin yang dikemukakan.

b) Membandingkan dan Membezakan

- mencari persamaan dan perbezaan berdasarkan kriteria seperti ciri, sifat, kualiti & unsur objek atau peristiwa.

- kemahiran digunakan seperti:

1. terdapat 2 @ lebih ciri kemungkinan.

2. membuat pilihan @keputusan.

- langkah penggunaan:

1. perhatikan atau berikan tumpuan kepada satu atau beberapa ciri kajian tindakan; sampel, setting, prosedur, pengumpulan dan penganalisisan data.

2. kenalpasti ciri kajian tindakan

c. Menganalisis

- mengolah meklumat dengan menghuraikan kepada bahagian yang lebih kecil dan memahami sesuatu konsep atau peristiwa serta mencari makna yang tersirat.

- kemahiran ini digunakan untuk mengenali bahagian-bahagian, memahami hubungkait antara bahagian dan mengenali prinsip yang terlibat.

- menganalisis ialah satu kemahiran yang kompleks mnggunakan beberapa ciri kemahiran berfikir.

d. Menilai

- iaitu membuat penilaian atau pertimbangan tentang sesuatu perkara darpda segi kebaikan dan kelemahan berdasarkan bukti atau dalil yang sah.

- kemahiran untuk membuat keputusan bagi: memilih sesuatu dan menerima atau menolak sesuatu idea.

e. Membuat keputusan

- membuat pernyataan tentang hasil sesuatu kajian berdasarkan kepada sesuatu hipotesis atau mengukuhkan sesuatu perkara berdasarkan penyiasatan.

- digunakan untuk buat keputusan.

f. Mengsintesis

- menggabungkan idea, item atau perkara yang berasingan untuk menghasilkan gambaran yang menyeluruh dalam bentuk pernyataan.

Tugasan 2

-Dapatkan 3 jurnal luar negara yang memerihalkan kajian tindakan yang telah dilakukan dalam pendidikan. Lakukan perbandingan (persamaan & perbezaan), penganalisisan, penilaian, perumusan & pengsintesisan dari segi sampel, seting, prosedur kajian, pengumpulan dan penganalisaan data yang dilakukan oleh penulis artikel dan dilaporkan dalam blog individu.

-Disokong oleh sumber bacaan lain ~ buku kajian tindakan (tugasan 1)

-Upload semua artikel dalam yahoogroups mengikut folder individu (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gb5023-jan09/)

Tarikh serahan: 26 Mei 2009.

Tugasan 3:

- Laporan Seminar Pendidikan Serantau

Teori Perubahan (Bhg.2)

Kompleksiti @ kerumitan perubahan merupakan fokus bagi mendapatkan maklumat tentang perubahan dan tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk mengimplimentasikan perubahan.


  • Sebarang perubahan yang diambil untuk mengadakan perubahan melibatkan pelbagai pertimbangan

  • Antaranya adalah untuk mengenalpasti semua dimensi yang berkaitan dengan perubahan

  • terdapat 6 dimensi yang perlu difahami:

1) Tujuan Perubahan

-perubahan dirancang untuk capai tujuan-tujuan tertentu seperti mengadakan penambahbaikan terhadap sesuatu keadaan @ sistem.

-perubahan dalam sesuatu sistem sedia ada melibatkan 2 jenis pindaan:

i) Perubahan peringkat pertama:

- Perubahan yang dbuat untuk kembali kepada keadaan asal yang diinginkan

- Perubahan untuk meningkatkan pencapaian @ keadaan sistem itu tanpa mengubahnya.

ii) Perubahan peringkat kedua

- ia melibatkan pindaan yang drastik dalam aspek sesuatu sistem seperti matlamat, keddukan & corak perhubungan sistem tersebut ( Barot & Raybould 1998)

2) Unit Perubahan

- merujuk kepada fokus utama sesuatu perubahan yang dirancang. unit-unit perubahan ialah:

  • individu
  • kumpulan/pasukan
  • jabatan
  • organisasi
  • sistem organisasi
  • komuniti

- dalam mengiplimentasikan perubahan, unit perubahan akan beranjak daripada individu (unit kecil) kepada organisasi (unit yang lebih besar).

3) Sifat Perubahan

- Daft (1983) berpendapat untuk menghasilkan perubahan pada unit yang lebih besar (peringkat organisasi) perubahan pada peringkat yang lebih kecil (peringkat individu).

- mengubah seseorang individu mestilah dilakukan dengan usaha mengubah sikap, tingkahlaku @ kedua-duanya sekali.

4) Magnitud perubahan

- merujuk kepada sejauhmana perubahan yang dirancang akan diimplimentasikan.

- istilah seperti perubahan yang komprehensif, sistematik & dalam skala yang besar sering dikaitkan dengan usaha-usaha untuk melakukan perubahan yang memberi impak besar.

- Chambers (1997) berpendapat perubahan dalam skala besar akan memberi hasilan yang menarik tapi sukar untuk diimplimentasikan. manakala perubahan dalam skala kecil lebih mudah diimplimentasikan tetapi tak menunjukkan impak yang signifikan.

5) Skop perubahan

- sejauhmana penambahbaikan @ inovasi dalam perubahan dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan instrumen penilaian.

- Hall & Hard (2001) menghasilkan instrumen tahap-tahap penggunaan inovasi yang digunakan untuk mengenalpasti respons individu terhadap perubahan sikap & amalan.

6) Jangkamasa perubahan

- terdapat pandangan yang menyatakan bahawa perubahan yang memberi kesan berkekalan merupakan perubahan yang berjaya diimplimentasikan berbanding perubahan yang memberi kesan sementara.

- ada pandangan berbeza dari segi hubungan masa & kesan perubahan.

- Kettler (2001) dalam kajian terapi jangka pendek telah berjaya mengenalpasti 3 jenis perubahan yang dilalui oleh pelanggannya:

i. perubahan yang berlaku secara spontan tak beri kesan mendalam. Sikap & amalan seseorang itu akan kembali kepada asal setelah kesan perubahan itu luput.

ii. perubahan minima dikecapi setelah melalui pertentangan awal.

iii. perubahan yang berterusan merupakan perubahan yang stabil, progresif dan kekal.

- Chambers (1977) menyatakan perubahan berbentuk kitaran dimana setiap kitaran perubahan dijangka berakhir dalam tempoh 10-15 tahun. setiap kitaran bermula dengan tekanan diikuti dengan pengubahsuaian terhadap perubahan tersebut.


1) Model penggabungan (1985)

  • Menurut model Roger, proses inovasi bermula apabila masalah atau
    keperluan telah dikenal pasti.
  • Masalah atau keperluan ini mungkin berdasarkan penyelidikan keadaan semasa, kerja makmal, atau jangkaan pembangunan akan datang.
  • Apabila masalah atau keperluan tersebut telah dikenal pasti, penyelidik akan menyiasat permasalahan itu dan bagaimana ia akan diselesaikan.Fasa ini melibatkan eksperimen & ciptaan yang banyak. Seterusnnya menghasilkan inovasi.
  • Rogers (1995) mengakui bahawa inovasi tidak semestinya terhasil dari penyelidikan. Inovasi mungkin terhasil daripada amalan praktikal di mana pengamal mencari jawapan kepada permasalahan yang timbul.
  • Perkara ini dikatakan sebagai knowing-in-action iaitu inovasi yang dihasilkan melalui pengamalan menjadi penting di dalam perubahan pendidikan.

2) Model Kanter (1998)

  • Kanter (1998) menegaskan bahawa struktur & inovasi boleh difahami dengan lebih baik jika proses inovasi dibahagikan kepada beberapa tugas utama. Ada 4 tugas inovasi : penjanaan idea, membina idea, realisasi idea & pemindahan idea.

3) Model Rand

  • Model ini berasaskan kajian yang dijalankan oleh Rand Corporation pada tahun 1973 – 1978 dengan sokongan Pejabat Pendidikan Amerika Syarikat mengenai perubahan pendidikan (Berman & McLaughlin 1978) .
  • Tujuan utama kajian adalah untuk menentukan faktor yang menyebabkan atau menghalang perubahan pendidikan.
  • Memandu ke arah pengumpulan data dan analisis.
  • Menurut Berman & McLaughlin, proses perubahan di sekolah melibatkan
    3 langkah : Daya usaha (initiation), implimentasi dan penggabungan.

4) Model ACOT

  • Model ini berdasarkan Projek Apple Classroom of Tomorrow ( ACOT), kajian pengenalan komputer di dalam bilik darjah.
  • Pengkaji membuat kesimpulan bahawa kehendak perubahan dalam pengajaran & pembelajaran telah berkembang secara beransur-ansur.
  • Model ini mempunyai 5 langkah perubahan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, iaitu:
    1. Kemasukan ( Entry )
    2. Memilih ( Adoption)
    3. Menyesuaikan ( Adaptation )
    4. Penggunaan ( Appropriation )
    5. Mereka cipta ( Invention )

Monday, May 11, 2009

Minggu 3

Teori perubahan.

A. Konsep:

- perubahan adalah faktor penting menyediakan manusia menghadapi masa depan.
- dalam pendidikan, perubahan tidak dapat dielakkan.

"perubahan didapati lebih menggambarkan ciri-ciri pendidikan berbanding kestabilan"- Oliver (1996).

- perubahan kadang kala menyebabkan ketidakpastian dan ini perlu dielakkan kerana akan meruntuhkan masa depan generasi muda.

B. Jenis perubahan:

- menurut Dessler melalui bukunya Human resource management(1995) menyatakan terdapat 4 jenis perubahan:

1. Perubahan kepada peningkatan (enhancement)

- perubahan yang memberikan kesan kepada organisasi seperti:

  • berlakunya perubahan struktur organisasi
  • memperkenalkan teknologi baru
  • mengadakan program pembangunan staf untuk tingkatkan komitmen & produktiviti staf.

2. Perubahan strategik organisasi

- ia mendefinasikan semula peranan organisasi

- mengakibatkan perubahan nilai teras organisasi

- pembentukan semula organisasi

- perubahan struktur & strategi organisasi

- mendefinasikan semula staf dari segi tugas, peranan, tanggungjawab & sistem ganjaran

3. perubahan reaktif disebabkan oleh:

- Perubahan yang berlansung akibat tindakbalas lansung daripada pelanggan & pihak berkepentingan

- kepekaan pelanggan & stakeholders terhadap isu-isu persekitaran & etika yang memerlukan perubahan

- perubahan dalam bentuk prosedur & cara layanan hendaklah dilakukan.

4. perubahan akibat daripada jangkaan:

- ia dilakukan bukan disebabkan oleh desakan pelanggan tetapi kerana terdapatnya kesedaran dlm kalangan pengurusan yang perlukan perubahan untuk pastikan organisasi memperolehi kebaikan kompetitif disebabkan oleh:

  • persiapan menghadapi pesaing baru yg akan muncul
  • persiapan terhadap kemungkinan berlakunya perubahan ke atas kehenda pelanggan
  • penciptaan teknologi baru yang perlukan perubahan
  • persiapan bagi menghadapi perubahan polisi kerajaan
  • perubahan dalam trend tenaga kerja

Perubahan adalah KOMPLEKS.

Perubahan sering dkaitkan dengan Evolusi dan Revolusi


Merujuk kepada perubahan yang menghasilkan kesan yang sedikit

dalam tempoh yang panjang. Ia menyebabkan perubahan status quo

yang ketara.


Merujuk kepada perubahan yang berlaku dengan pantas tetapi akan

meninggalkan kesan yang membinasakan.